Move to Leadership Programmes
Do you want to become a more inspiring, persuasive and motivational leader?
Would you like to experience the magic of a great workshop?
Have you considered how coaching can be an effective way to help you move forward and achieve your goals?
‘I know Eldridge as a coach for managers who want to take responsibility for their own leadership, who want to take the reins, who want to inspire and who want to be inspired. In those development programs, Eldridge knows how to strike the right chord with the concentrated passion of an (ex) dancer and to put people on the right path with quick switches between word (short clear theoretical explanation) and action (sharp practical physical exercises). Eldridge forces you to stretch a little further. That is not only hard work, it is also very effective in the end.’Ik ken Eldridge als coach voor managers die verantwoordelijkheid willen nemen voor hun eigen leiderschap, de touwtjes in handen willen nemen, willen inspireren en geïnspireerd willen worden. In die ontwikkelingsprogramma’s weet Eldridge de juiste snaar te raken met de geconcentreerde passie van een (ex) danser en mensen op de goede weg te zetten met snelle schakels tussen woord (korte duidelijke theoretische uitleg) en actie (scherpe praktische fysieke oefeningen) . Eldridge dwingt je om wat verder uit te rekken. Dat is niet alleen hard werken, het is uiteindelijk ook heel effectief. ‘
‘I would like to characterize Annemarie as a professional who is committed and sincere in her approach to verbal and non-verbal communication. Her performance, knowledge and experience as a professional dancer give her a credibility which is felt by the group she is working with. Particular in the case of our students, all being quantitative oriented high performing students, the focus on how to use your body in communication is new and clearly out of their comfort zone. Ms. Labinjo is able to make them feel at ease, see the importance of this approach and clearly help them to make progress. Additionally, Annemarie is at ease in an international context and able to deal with a wide diversity of cultural backgrouds.’