Up Creativity & Innovation

We work together on understanding and then mapping out how to make space for creativity & innovation.

During this two day practical workshop you will stretch beyond your comfort zone, enjoy taking risks and experience the exhilaration of expanding your potential.


Foundational elements used include –

  • Life conditions & Mind capacity
  • Internal & External experience
  • Necessity & Motivation
  • Optionality & Process
  • Imagination & Invention
  • Spontaneity & Structure


‘In Eldridge’s coaching I went beyond the regular generalizations and into a new level of understanding in my own capacity as an authentic public speaker’.

‘Diversity, individuality, clarity and transparency. These are, among other things, characteristics that deepen within you in a session with Annemarie. The interfaces that I research together with her, usually concern the versatility in my own strength and character. In doing so I touch what makes me unique, in the heartbeat of my own life.’
